Review: Yurikuma Arashi “The Future of the Girls”

ya ep 10

It may have taken forever, but the consequences for Yuriika Hakonaka and her desire to take Kureha have finally come to light. And by that, I mean a swift death at the hands of a hunting rifle. The entire time, she has been masterminding the murders of all of the students, just to get Kureha in her box. I’m pretty sure that’s a double entendre. For something that was supposed to be pretty big, there isn’t a lot going on here, again.

“The Future of the Girls” is the next in a succession of episodes that spend 23 minutes spinning tires in the mud. It starts with giving us the audio from last week’s ending. Then, the weight of Ginko saying she killed Sumika, only to show that she didn’t really, but didn’t do anything to help Sumika either. I felt like Yurikuma Arashi is dragging its feet just so we get to the finale, then something will happen.

That said, Yuriika Hakonaka bit the bullet, quite literally. It was the only thing worth noting in an otherwise drab episode. The selection process for the Invisible Storm started up again, and the Judge Bears are overlooking this, noting Kureha is in this meeting too. I’m guessing this is supposed to be something important, because a big hoopla was made about it.  I can’t lie here, I feel let down. Yurikuma Arashi has been pretty good lately with getting plot across, but the last two weeks have been a major trainwreck. Maybe next week things get back on track, but I’m not counting on it.