English Dub Review: Naruto Shippuden “Power: Episode 3”


There was bound to be a lull episode in the Power arc. Like I said before, this is spaced out like one of the Naruto movies, so there was going to be that lull. It’s not uncommon; even The Avengers: Age of Ultron had it. It’s not the worst ever, and in fact, “Power: Episode 3” was able to further the narrative along rather well with Miina, and how she goes from being comforted, all the way to wanting Naruto gone from the house they’re all staying at.

Ironically enough, “Power: Episode 3” is reminiscent of when Goku’s power was failing during the very first Android encounter because of his heart condition. Naruto’s power is gradually draining, presumably from all of the snakes that he ingested during the first episode. Miina is feels the evil presence inside Naruto, and that’s what keeps freaking her out. We finally get the plan that Kabuto has been trying to unfurl since “Power: Episode 1,” and that’s essentially clone the Nine-Tails. Well, it looks like Naruto in the Demon Cloak.

All in all, “Power: Episode 3” was an episode that just pushed the tiny plot thread of “Naruto’s Snake Smoothie” to its conclusion.when Naruto vomited out a black mess.There wasn’t a lot of anything else going on. Even though there was nothing else really going on, the interaction between Miina and Naruto, and how Miina’s actions were misconstrued, was awesome. Almost all the time, no matter the show, the child would say something that no one should understand and the adults would understand. This confusion led to no one really knowing what was going on until it was too late.  Call me crazy, I just felt it was done really well. Next week, Kabuto and his Walking Dead group is back for another fight.