English Dub Review: Absolute Duo “Selection”

Can we just call this ‘Fan Service’ – The Anime?

I can’t believe that the awesome first four episodes of Absolute Duo devolved into a pile of fan service. I was so high on this show, thinking that it was going to be something special. However, the last two weeks have been nothing but women in bikinis, or naked, doing nothing to drive forward the plot. Hell, there was even a scene where every major female character was first in barely there bikinis, or wet t-shirts. This is supposed to be a good show?

“Selection” should just be named “Fan Service.” At least then the viewers know what they’re getting into. Better yet, let’s go with “Sexual Assault Bunny.” There was a three minute scene where Tor overhears Bun Bun groping all of the girls, trying to get their bra size. What the hell did I just watch? It still amazes me that this type of shit is allowed, even after the advances in laws prohibiting sexual assault in Japan. Again, there’s nothing going on here, except Imari asking Tomoe about Miyabi. I’m glad someone is actually paying attention in this show.

For those of us keeping track, it took eight episodes for Miyabi to complete the complete chain of events with her feelings towards Tor. “Selection” brought the rejection she was so afraid of, and I am loving it. Again, I am a masochistic person when it comes to the anime characters I watch, and I want some of them to just get the worst. Thanfully, Miyabi starts her psychotic break this week, and it keeps going into next week. If you watch past the credits, you’ll see the armored warriors led by K making an assault on the branch school. Things seems to be getting a tab bit more interesting. Unfortunately, that doesn’t save it from the other 23 minutes of “Selection.” Maybe, we can get something better next week, when things seem to start going on.
