Ted Cruz loves The Simpsons; Simpson EP doesn’t like Ted Cruz


Ted Cruz is running in the 2016 Presidential race representing the GOP, and I don’t plan to vote for him or anyone else running for President. In any case, he was recently interviewed by ‘The Federalist Radio Hour” which is a show that sounds like a box full of kittens if I’ve ever heard one. In Thursday’s broadcast, Ted talked about some of his favorite episodes of The Simpsons including ”Round Springfield” and the seventh chapter of the ‘Treehouse of Horror” series.

Not sold on the Texas Senator’s affinity for his show, Simpsons EP had this to say to the Daily Beast, “To paraphrase Kang, ‘Ted Cruz?’ Go ahead, throw your vote away,”. Roughly translated, Al Jean said, ”Go Fuck Yourself, Ted”.

The Simpsons are all-new next Sunday Night @ 8 pm ET/PT, check your local listings and be wary of an opening chalkboard which may have something to say about all this.