Review: Yurikuma Arashi “I CAN’T GET A KISS”

YA ep 4

Well, the percentage of seeing the same recycled scenes from the last three episodes are slim. Why, you ask? Well, it’s because “I CAN’T GET A KISS” is all about the story of Princess Lulu, and it has absolutely nothing to do with what’s going on with the plot of the story. The problem is, I’ve spent the first half of “I CAN’T GET A KISS,” I’ve gotten the same few scenes over and over again.

After what would be the commercial, the story alternates between the modern day, and the story the yuri judge was narrating. It revolved around the promise kiss, or some bullshit. She hates her new brother, and keeps sending him to find this honey, even though it’s dangerous. Yes, you heard this right, there’s a he in this show! And he wasn’t apart of that yuri court. At the end of the episode, we got more of the yuri court, of course, and the story wraps up as Lulu and Ginko’s origin story.

I cannot get my head around how Yurikuma Arashi gets really good at giving me aneurysms when I watch it. I know there was a decent story somewhere in the silliness of Lulu’s backstory, but instead of the story being about overly hormonal bear girls, it was just overly silly, even when Lulu was trying to be a good friend to Kureha. At this point, the story was silly for the sake of being silly. That said, there was a plot. When it actually came out of hibernation, it was actually decent, like when Lulu was depressed, and had the angry bee flying around her.

The execution of the plot this week failed badly. However, I have to give some respect to the writers, who were trying to actually convey a plot for a change. There were scenes used over and over, but at least it was self contained to this episode. “I CAN’T GET A KISS” operated as an origin story, and at least it gave some much needed backstory to a show that made zero sense. At least now we have some motives to go on. The execution was terrible, but at least watch it to see the writers try something differently.

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