English Dub Review: World Break: Aria of Curse for a Holy Swordsman “The Silver-Haired Stranger”


Another female is introduced, and another girl who wants Moroha in bed. This is getting to be a bit much. The newest student to the school is a Russian girl named Lesya, and she came to the school with the apparent intention of banging out Moroha. By my count, that’s about half of the school’s female population that want him, give or take a few. We get it, Moroha has to do nothing to get the girls. Can we cap this number soon, please? Lesya’s accent needs a lot of work

Anyway, the quote of the day comes really early, because this encapsulates most of World Break thus far. Sophie is sparring with Taki, and his attack got rebuffed…and this quote sums up the block:

“She repelled his attack with her tits?!”

This doesn’t help Taki, because he uses a trap, that ends up shredding Sophie’s outfit. This was a tad over the top, but I was laughing my ass off from it. The scene was pretty well done, and Tokiko fondling Sophie had my pissing myself. Tokiko is that comic relief this show desperately needs at times. I mean, I pulled the picture up top for such an occasion. This all leads to a date with Lesya and Moroha. They are getting along, and Lesya is actually acting somewhat like a normal kid, except for the cat ears, tail, and lolita dress. It all somewhat works, though.

Of course, the story starts to speed up when Shizuno calls in to the British Branch to get some dirt on Lesya. The dirt is pretty deep, because Angela gives Shizuno exactly what she is looking for. This is all but confirmed when Lesya’s crow comes to town. This all comes down to a duel between Lesya and Shizuno. The fight was actually very well done. I can’t really get into much without getting a lot of details spoiled. But Lesya is decisively powerful.

“Silver-Haired Stranger” was a great episode, as well as a great introduction to a new, possibly deadly foe for Moroha. Lesya got an introduction that was deserved, and hopefully evolves into something a lot more than just a two episode story. There is definitely something that will bring the Russian Terror into this, but who knows when that will happen. The beginning of the story “Silver-Haired Stranger” began deserves to be a longer story in the long run. Hopefully that happens.