Review: Sanjay and Craig ‘Fowl Work; Rash Thrash’


Spoilers Below

Fowl Work;

Sanjay thinks he has a date with Belle a the Frycade, but really Belle just invites both him and Craig to the Frycade where a huge rave is taking place. Sanjay freaks out because he thinks that Belle trashed the place, only to find out when he reports the next morning at work that everything’s fine except for the fact that an arcade machine breaks to which he takes the blame for Belle. Later that night Belle throws another party, and Sanjay shows up to stop it from happening. Nothing works, and Craig sets the place on fire which causes Pepper to show up and ban Sanjay and Craig for life. Thankfully, Belle comes to their rescue and comes clean about the parties, so Sanjay and Craig get to keep their jobs and even gain some new co-workers.

Who woulda thought that Belle had a wild side? I think it shows a lot when both Sanjay and Belle care about each other enough to stick up for each other when times are tough. Craig was a non-issue, but a rather standard episode to be honest.



Rash Thrash’

Sanjay gets a rash which is good because the restaurant is closed for cleaning day. Sanjay faints and ends up in the hospital, as he is clearly allergic to something related to Craig and Darlene recommends they spend the day apart. While Sanjay is sent home, Craig heads out with Hector at Monty Cheese’s. Craig opts to go home early due to the fact that he missed his pal Sanjay whom is home trying to read up on why he’s allergic to his best friend. Sanjay and Craig break up as pals, but Sanjay finds out that he was just hungry the whole time and that’s why he was allergic to Craig.

Our Take

Wow, that rash looked gross. Best part of the episode was whenever we got a look at Monty Cheese’s. The acid-trip scenes featuring the animals were very well done. Kind of interesting that we didn’t bother going to the internet to figure out what was wrong with Sanjay, but a decent episode nonetheless.

