Review: Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja “Wonkin’ for the Weekend / Ninjafan”


 “Wonkin’ for the Weekend

The kids are at school on a Saturday, and both Randy and Howard are trying to think of ways to get out of it. The duo decide that the best way to get out of Saturday school is by Howard being smart. Eventually, the smart guy turns into a smart-ass and isn’t that much fun anymore. Worse yet, Howard becomes so smart that he launches a black hole with his brain sucking everything inside. Randy decides to pull a whole Inception and heads into Howard’s brain where he has to fight the hell that’s inside THAT cranium. Randy decides to do a bunch of shit to make Howard dumb again and it works like a charm in setting Howard back to normal. When the boys get back to school, Saturday school is cancelled and the kids head home.

Our Take

Yea, weekend school sucks. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a bunch of action in this first episode, nor was there really a defined bad guy. If it was supposed to be Howard, I would’ve like to have seen a fight. This one was kind of all over the place and never really found its place.



Randy comes across a club performer named Rachel whom is such a big fan of the ninja that she does a song for him. A robot shows up, and a fight ensues between it and Randy. Right after, Randy and Howard get into an argument, and the guys go off on their own. Ironically enough, Howard’s taking advantage of Randy is what got those two going so when Randy starts doing the same with Rachel, it gets ya thinking. Soon, Rachel leaves in tears and the sorcerer turns her into a monster. Howard returns to help defeat her, and Randy writes a song for her that turns her back to normal.

Our Take

A much better episode, but again not much in terms of fighting though still more than the first half. I do like seeing the sorcerer get in there and mix it up with Randy every once in a while, but I want more action. Not a huge fan of this episode, but I suppose it’s passable.
