Review: Maria the Virgin Witch “Under the Rose”

MtVW ep 6

Well, what do you know?  An episode of a show let me go with my initial assessment when I got a few minutes in, with little recourse. And we can thank “Under the Rose” for that. “Under the Rose” started out with Maria finishing up her job of breaking up a battle, and then there was nothing but setting up Galfa to be Bernard’s lap dog, and Bernard finally figuring out about Maria’s predicament with Archangel Michael.

That was interspersed with Maria moping around, and for not a really good reason. In fact, I don’t think there was a reason until Joseph came around, trying to get Maria into not interfering. But the episode ends as status quo, with Maria rushing off to break up a battle. So, what did “Under the Rose” really accomplish? I hate to say it, but not a lot. The plot really only progressed maybe a micrometer (yeah, that’s something you don’t hear every day) with Bernard and Galfa, but Maria is still doing her shit, which is the direct opposite of what Joseph wants.

I guess I may be a little harsh, because Ezekiel is showing a little bit of wavering when Archangel Michael made her shit herself a bit. Michael told Ezekiel that she has to kill Maria if Maria displays magic in front of humans. This was just progression on when Ezekiel questioned Anne’s family about Maria’s motives. I have a feeling that Ezekiel is going to go against the word of Michael, and it should be interesting.

Overall, I didn’t really enjoy “Under the Rose.” I was expecting a lot more with both Galfa, and the encounter with Joseph and Maria. I guess this is just me being a dick, but if you’re going to show Galfa start planning with Bernard, or Joseph ask Maria not to intefere. Those are huge paradigm shifts for the show, yet it was treated like it was nothing. It seemed like the writers ran out of steam five minutes in. Well, this week is a pass because of that.