Review: Brickleberry ”Campin’ Ain’t Easy”

Spoilers Below

Brickleberry is now Camp Brickleberry. A camp that sees kids stay for the season and the rangers convert to that of camp counselors for the summer.

On the first day of business, kids are coming in droves with all different demographics. The black kids go with Denzel, Ethel gets the rich kids,  and Connie/Steve gets the handicapped kids. And Woody? He books a date with one of the kids’ mom! Actually, Tiffany is one of the camp kids, but she looks a fuck of a lot older than she says. Meanwhile, Steve and Connie’s tribe breaks up with half of the kids going with Steve and the other half going with Connie.

With a tribal shield on the line, Steve’s team is looking a little depressing, but soon he cheers up and before you know it his team is on the rise. So much so that even with Woody two days away from hooking up with one of the camp attendees, the other teams all want to go home. To help appease his campers, Woody launches ‘The Gauntlet’, a crazy fuck of an obstacle course that Steve looks to try and keep his kids away from.

Later at the Camp Dance, Tiffany shows up with another dude so Woody shows up looking like a goth kid. Woody ends up sending his competition home and he gets Tiffany. Steve’s tribe ends up winning The Gauntlet after discovering a shortcut, but the kids end up getting killed. The kids get brought back to life as zombies, and we find out that Woody may have fucked his daughter.

Our Take

Yes this was the episode that featured the late Eric the Actor’s-inspired character. No, it wasn’t actually Eric the Actor who did voice over. I remember producer Roger Black saying the audio wasn’t all that great when recording, so, it sounds like he subbed in for quality care purposes. And you really can’t blame the guys…they made a decision that they felt was right for the show and they went with it. As a matter of fact, this probably explains why it took this long to get this episode.

In any case, this week’s episode was hysterical. All of Steve’s kids were so creepy-funny that I couldn’t even keep it together most of the time.  More over, Woody constantly talking to his dick was by far the best dick jokes that we got all season and that’s saying something. Small itty-bitty plots with Connie, Ethel, and Denzel didn’t do much for me, but there was more than enough here from everyone else to carry the episode for sure.