Comics Review: Adventure Time Presents Marceline Gone Adrift #4


I kind of think that Marceline Gone Adrift #4 has stretched the plot a bit. Here’s my problem here: there is only three to five pages in this issue that really conveys to the central plot of the book. It’s rather sad that most of the comic revolves around a bunch of nothing. I didn’t know that an issue in a mini-series can have a filler issue, yet, here we are.

There are parts where Marceline Gone Adrift is actually really cool. Marcy playing the guitar in the pool reminds me of an episode of a television show. I can’t remember the show, but it revolves around a person who is deaf, and is able to see sounds as colors. I know it doesn’t help that you don’t know what show I’m talking about. At least it didn’t go a Daredevil route with sonar. I just found it funny how Marcy tried to play the guitar, she couldn’t because there’s no air. So, I hope that she was talking telepathically to the denizens of this planet, because she couldn’t speak. If you’re going to say no to something, you have to say no to all of the things. I think they should have just let Marcy play the guitar here. It’s not real life here.

There are a lot of points where I was going “this has no reason to be here.” Cinnamon Bun frolicking through the forest with an apparent magnetic field or invisible field was out of place, as was most of Marceline’s interaction with the people on the planet she landed on. I could have missed Marceline Gone Adrift #4, and I feel like I would have missed nothing right now. It’s sad, I know. It’s like Kaboom! plans their comics out like this. Lord knows how well they’ve done this with their Regular Show comics.
