English Dub Review: Absolute Duo “Level Up”


There’s quite a bit to take away from “Level Up,” and this time, it doesn’t involve the ever growing number of girls Tor has chasing him. Lilith failed again in getting Tor to be her Duo, and that kind of flung her over the edge a bit. The first year students were supposed to go against the second year students in what was called the Mordraco, but Lilith walked right in and annihilated the second years. That led to Lilith inviting the first years to a dance where everyone needs to survive. Yeah, Lilith is coming for blood. More specifically, Tor and probably Julie’s blood.

That said, you can see something emerging in Miyabi, and it isn’t exactly pretty. With “Level Up,” you can see that there is a mean obsessive streak coming, and the writers for Absolute Duo is hitting you upside the head with the foresight stick. This is going to be a gnarly story coming forward, because I can just see that something bad will happen.

I couldn’t help but think that “Level Up” was another transition episode this week. We got it for World Break, but it wasn’t so blatantly obvious like “Magic Sword vs. Holy Sword” was. Lilith is becoming a badass bitch with a cannon, and Lilith’s obsession about getting an irregular to be a duo with her drove her mad, even when Tor was trying to gently let her down…again. The whole harem thing was a lot less in your face this week, and that made “Level Up” more enjoyable than previous episodes. Stay for Lilith and Miyabi go to two different sides of nuts, and stay for the creeped out London Nightmare theme park.