Ratings Are In 4/21/15: FOX

Peeping Mom

The cartoons are starting to come back for FOX with two weeks ago lending itself to the return of Family Guy after month-long hiatus and now this past weekend The Simpsons returned. From the looks of it, fans are starting to get the message that originals are back on FOX according to this new ratings report from Deadline.com:

With a 13% rise in the key demo from last week, Fox’s 9 PM Family Guy (1.7/5) was the second highest-rated show of the night after the ACMs. It was a steady bag otherwise for the network with 8 PM’s The Simpsons (1.4/4) slipping 6% from its last original of March 15.

Bob’s Burgers comes back this weekend with new episodes, and I’ll be curious to see how The Simpsons rate as more people figure out that we aren’t in reruns at the moment. We’ll be back next week with the numbers.