Bubble UK Review: Newzoids ”Episode 1”


Spoilers Below

Newzoids continues a tradition in London that we just don’t have here in the United States…prime-time puppet comedies. In America, we draw shit for TV, in London, they stuff it and display. Both methods work, and as such, Newzoids does their medium justice.

Featured are stuffed odes to political figures, celebrities, and the like, all taking part in topical gags that usually make headlines. For example, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are featured with the latter announcing her run for President of the United States. Usually, the voices are done rather well, the aforementioned Obama being a rather spot on impersonation, but Kim Jung Un sounding a bit too British for my liking.

A good lot of the jokes are ones you’ve seen before in everything else, but the depictions for a lot of the people Newzoids is going after is a lot of fun. I mean come on…a Kim Jung Un talk show? I’m in!

