Review:The Jack and Triumph Show ”Dog House”


Spoilers Below

After June ruins Triumph’s card game, Triumph ruins June’s get-together with Caroline Rhea and her celebrity animals rights activists. As a result, Triumph has to live in the dog house which saddens both him and Jack, so they both think of ways to fix their woes. Jack opts to dig a tunnel connecting the dog house with June’s house while Triumph finds a way to burn his dog house to the ground, and making Jack famous by rescuing someone. Triumph’s journey takes him to the local fire house and saki bar where he’s able to collect enough intel to commit is crime.

The stage is set, Jack and Vincent Pastore are digging a tunnel underneath the house and find ‘The Dell Guy’ Ben Curtis in the process all the while Triumph has his soon-to-be burn victim Joey Fatone right where he wants him playing cards. With Triumph’s house littered with faulty electrical appliances and a hibachi chef cooking up a storm, all Triumph needs is for Jack to show up at the right time so that he can save Joey from a sure-fire death. Instead, Jack comes up from underneath, and Joey flees the doghouse whilst on fire right in front of June’s last-ditch effort at making things right with Caroline Rhea’s animal rights activists. At the end of the day, Triumph is allowed back into June’s house with Ben Curtis, and Joey is at a health clinic being treated as a dancing bear.

Our Take

This show is by far the best thing Adult Swim has done all year. I almost threw out my arm laughing at Joey’s throwback NSYNC dance moves, and the fire house scene is probably the best ‘main-on-the-street’ bit that Triumph has done thus far. How he managed to get into that group of kids and orchestrate a disaster of an afternoon for the firemen is beyond me, but he did it and it was awesome. Also, less we forget Triumph’s first taste at another hand puppet…his stick up by the claws of the Possum!

The important thing to take away from that bit, is that I think that The Jack and Triumph Show is still trying new things, moreover, we could see other puppet characters introduced to the show which would just be maniacal. This week it’s a rodent, the future could be other cats and dogs! The possibilities are really endless here, and guarantees that I will have a season pass locked in on my DVR for some time to come.
