Review: Yurikuma Arashi “INVISIBLE STORM”

YA ep 3

Normally, I’m good for three episodes, and then I figure out what the hell going on. This is “Invisible Storm,” the third episode of Yurikuma Arashi, and I am as lost as I was in episode one. When I am told that this is when we’re told what the Invisible Storm is, I kind of expect to be told what is going on. Of course, in true overly convoluted anime fashion, I have no fucking clue what’s going on anymore. This is the Matrix Revolutions of anime.

That said, the only thing explained about the Invisible Storm is that it’s an exclusionary process by students to outcast another. This revolves around, again, the the call Kureha got in the last two episodes. Now, Kureha finally met her girlfriend’s killer, and Mitsuko wants to eat Kureha like she did Sumika. I’ll tell you what, though, that Mitsuko is a cruel bitch. She is a cruel, perpetually horny bitch. And again, Kureha falls off the school, and back into the freakshow known as Yuri Trial.

Yurikuma Arashi has to be the laziest episode I have ever seen. Never before have I seen the show take the same ending three times in a row. It even comes complete with the flower blowjob, except this time things are a little different. The amount of recycled footage puts the Power Rangers to shame, and that says a lot. Well, the only thing I can say is, there is only 9 more episodes. The end cannot come soon enough.