Review: The Jack and Triumph Show ”Sorvino’s Pants”

Spoilers Below

Triumph meets Paul Sorvino (Goodfellas) and becomes obsessed with Sorvino’s ass smell. Unfortunately, the actor dies which leaves Triumph furious that he’ll never be able to get that smell back again. As a result, he decides to don a disguise and break into Paul’s wake with Jack so that they can find a way to bottle that scent. At first, Triumph teams up with a Johnny Depp streetwalker to try and get in, but even the street walker dies so Jack has to dress up as…Jack Sparrow with Triumph as a parrot. The duo get in, but are discovered to be frauds and thrown out. Fortunately, Triumph gets back in and inside of the coffin where he actually resuscitates Paul and bringing him back to life. Turns out Sorvino was sleeping the whole time.

Our Take

This week’s episode was sort of all over the map in terms of a consistent idea of what it wanted to be. Triumph’s obsession with Sorvino’s scent was funny for a bit I guess, but the concept got kind of boring for a while. The real gem of the episode was midway when Jack and Triumph hosted a race among all of the Johnny Depp characters and Edward Scissorhands dropping his egg during his run. By the way, Paul Sorvino was clearly breathing while he was in his casket which could lead to itself two things…1) The breathing led more creedence to the concept of Sorvino sleeping or 2) he was clearly just having fun with the whole thing and not trying on his serious acting chops which he has showing in not only Goodfellas, but Law & Order and Romeo & Juliet.