Review: The Jack and Triumph Show ”Something Racist”

Spoilers Below

Triumph wants to get Jack famous again so he can cash in. How you ask? RACISM! That’s right, Triumph sets up a recording device and attempts to get racist comments recorded so that he can put them on TMZ and make the duo famous for all of the wrong reasons. After he gets a clip of Jack saying some awful post-sex pillow talk, Triumph heads to Hollywood so that he can try and get paparazzi to listen to his findings. Unfortunately, no one’s buying the shock value of the recorded clip.

Triumph goes back to the drawing board and convinces Jack to read him a bedtime stories…The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Triumph records all of the n-words he can muster and blasts them all over television leaving Jack to being a social pariah. Eventually, the duo end up on The Maury Povich Show and are joined in a dream sequence by Mark Twain. Mark convinces Jack to marry the only black girl on the set thereby cleansing himself of racist ties. Unfortunately, now Jack has a new wife, a baby daddy, and Joey Fatone living with him.

Who the fuck is this internet sensation guy on The Jack and Triumph Show? He’s got about as much personality as a brick, but at least bricks are more fun to throw. In any case, ”Something Racist” was funny, however I felt the plot was done before on South Park more or less a bunch of times. Everyone’s done the bit with talk show hosts, too with Jerry Springer and Maury both getting a number of cameos elsewhere to fill a similar role as tonight. That said, the crank call into Harpo productions was funniest fucking thing I’ve ever seen, and all of the jokes at Joey Fatone’s expense were only overshadowed by Triumph visiting Donald Sterling’s muse in hysterical fashion. The great thing about this show, even if a plot and some story points are a bit overused, Triumph has enough in his bag of tricks to make you leave an episode thinking, ”I still want more.”