Review: Maria the Virgin Witch “Perfect Virgin”

MtVW ep 1

Here’s another thing I can list to things that I hate when it comes to anime. Maria the Virgin Witch drops you right into the thick of The Hundred Years War, with no real introduction as to who she is, or what she’s about. This is a step up from your normal European history for sure, you know, because of dragons and magic. Unfortunately, that’s where the fun stuff ends for now.

I say for now because, like with all of the new Broadcast Dubs we’ve been covering, the reviews for the premieres are in a vacuum. I don’t really go through the subtitled episodes, because that defeats the point. As such, dropping the viewers in on the day before a major battle between France and England was rather confusing. You have no idea what’s going on, nor do you really have any attachment to to Joseph (the dude who gets Maria all hot and flustered in the beginning) and Anne’s father.

Now, let’s talk about how the show looks. It looks great. Maria the Virgin Witch shines when there’s some huge magic spell going off. In “Perfect Virgin,” it just happens to be a huge dragon that stops a battle dead, much to the chagrin of the mercenaries who went home broke. The art isn’t the very best I’ve seen, but it’s sure impressive nonetheless. The green dragonfire looks a lot better in motion than it does in the still above, for sure.

“Perfect Virgin” has a lot of potential. Maria the Virgin Witch looks beautiful. The story just needs to come back to us, and explain a lot of what’s going on, like who are all of the witches who were just watching the battle? There is too much to try and understand as of now, and if it doesn’t, it’s just going to be a moving art gallery.
