Review: Maria the Virgin Witch “Against the World”

MtVW ep 2

After “Against the World,” there’s only one thing I can say: HOLY SHIT! There is so much that went on during the course of “Against the World,” that I don’t know where to begin. Let’s start with the humongous, celestial drenched elephant in the room: St. Michael is a woman! For people who don’t know me personally, I find a lot of humor in religion. Most of which is because everything written was based what amounted to a 200 year game of telephone. Every Angel in the bible was told to be male, and I laughed so hard when the Michael in Maria the Virgin Witch was as womanly as Maria’s succubus.

That said, Michael (or should it be Michelle?) played a huge role at the end of “Against the World.” She spears Maria’s dragon with what can only be the Spear of Longinus from Evangelion, and then tosses around Maria like it was nothing. If there was ever anything that said angels were overpowered, it would be the bible. What’s funny, is that Maria the Virgin Witch actually sticks with that. I kind of figured that Maria would just kick the crap out of the Androgynous Michael. That has yet to be seen.

What took up most of the episode, was Maria making her incubus, Priapos. It started out with Artemis sucking the life out of every leader of the English army, except for two priests, because they were too busy getting each other’s D to be bothered by the succubus. That forces Maria to create Priapos. There is one problem here. Priapos has no dick, so he can’t give it. But he sure as hell can take it, and that circle jerk of events is what lead to Maria’s dragon getting popped by the spear.

Listen, I’m not going to lie here. All of the things that Maria the Virgin Witch does to give the finger to religious texts  was very entertaining. Making Michael a woman, priests who are into “Greek sex” and how Maria just really hates the holy order of things is what makes Maria the Virgin Witch so entertaining. If this were an American show, everyone from Fox News to the Bible Belt would want the show canned, and Funimation burnt. Thankfully, this show hasn’t been introduced to them, so this show can entertain us for a while longer. “Against the World” was so much better than “Perfect Virgin,” just as it needed to be.
