Bubble SG Review: Heartland Hubby ”Fighting Fit / The Scholarship”


Spoilers Below

Muscular arms, washboard abs, and a pert butt. No, that’s not Robbie I’m talking about! It’s their neighbour Arnie, who Encik drags in to help train Robbie for his NAPFA (National Physical Fitness Award) test. After countless rounds of training and weak protesting, Robbie unfortunately still can’t pass.

As the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. Encik manages to botch this idiom not just once, but twice! Obviously what he does say doesn’t make any sense whatsoever!

Winnie manages to snag a spiffy four-year scholarship to NUS. Wait, National University of Singapore? Nope! It’s the esteemed National University of Sweden! And apparently once you get the scholarship letter, you have to leave for Sweden on the same day.

Molly and Cathy tries all ways and means to try to get her to stay, but fail miserably. Even her love interest Milo can’t convince her. And after coming to a few realisations after trying to change Robbie, Encik lets Winnie go with a hug.

Fast forward to a year later, and Winnie comes home after finishing her four-year scholarship in a short one year. The house is unrecognisable. Furniture is turned upside down, and the house is in a huge mess. Worse, the other family members are dirty and look like savages. Cathy says they haven’t eaten in weeks and they’d all lost their jobs and were kicked out of school, which makes me wonder how they’d managed to pay their housing bills then…

But with Winnie back home, all returns back to normal in just one week. She can cook, she can clean, she can fix household appliances and  she has a high IQ. What can’t Winnie do indeed!
