Review: The 7D “The Queen’s Quest


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Grim inspires the magic mirror to go off on a vacation while Hildy pretends to be the real magic mirror. Hildy convinces the Queen to go on a mission after the 7D thereby leaving her in charge. Yips grabs the dwarves while on vacation to let them know what happened which leads them on an adventure to save the Queen before it’s too late. The group meets up and gets the help of a monster to help clear the Queen’s house which lets the 7D go back on vacation.

This show knows how to find really good guest stars. Proof is the casting of Whoopi Goldberg to play ‘Ghost’ and she does a wonderful job in doing so. The trip in returning the Princess was a lot of fun, but Hildy Gloom was just boring as hell this week. She almost didn’t even put up THAT good of a fight against the 7D to be totally honest. I’ve seen better 7D, but Whoopi keeps the episode competitive.
