Review: Archer ‘The Holdout’


Spoilers Below:

I have a habit of forgetting that I’ve seen an episode of a show before. Sometimes I’ll receive an advanced copy one, or I’ll see a sneak peek at Comic-Con or some other event, and weeks or months later see the same thing airing on TV for the first time. Occasionally I’ll make it halfway through the show before I realize this fact.

Last night was an exception. I was well aware that I previously saw the sixth season premiere of FX’s Archer at a NYCC panel, and from what I recall (it was toward the end of the day & I was half in the bag) it was a riot. The episode, that is; not the panel. You probably would have heard about a violent uprising at last year’s Comic-Con if that were the case. Anyway, let’s see if my memory (or judgment) held up.

The episode opened with Sterling waking up naked, pierced (his ear), and probably hung-over, trying to convince his telephoning mother that he wasn’t an elaborate voicemail prank. ISIS is no more (because of their “merger” with the CIA, and also, in real life, the association with the terrorist group of the same name), and Sterling had apparently run away for eight weeks after he found out he’s the father of a child. But Malory wasn’t interested in that, she was calling with a mission: retrieve the on-board computer of a crashed American spy plane in Borneo, and destroy the aircraft.

During the mission, Sterling happened upon a Japanese soldier (“Ken”) who believed World War II was still ongoing. The two fought at first, but then bonded over booze, as Ken gave Sterling fathering advice and caught up on world history since the war. They reluctantly paired to help Sterling complete his mission, get off the island, and reunite Ken with his family.

Meanwhile, decorators Cheryl & Pam introduced the rest of the gang to their shiny, new, futuristic office, only to reveal that it was all just a hologram, and it actually looked exactly like the old office – much to the dismay of Malory. Business as usual.

In Case You Missed It:

1) Sterling would really pay those pilots $10,000 (some of which has blood on it) for mini-bottles?

2) Second question: why exactly does some of the money have blood on it?

3) I enjoyed the segue from the pilot saying “inappropes” to Pam talking in the elevator.


5) Painkillers + Candy = Mike & Vikes

6) Why did the old office’s ice have a slight bleach taste?

7) Did anyone else cry when Ken called his wife? … Yeah, me either.

My memory did not deceive me, this was a quality episode. Of course it’s a bit funnier with a couple thousand other people laughing around you, but still. It had all the elements that we love about Archer – the quirky characters each with their little role, the slightly offensive humor, the snarky writing – and even picked up a few big strengths and fan favorites from the show’s past.

For instance, they continue to fuck with us about when exactly the show takes place. If it was current times, as evidenced by Sterling’s use of an Internet-enabled smartphone and talk of computers, then that WWII solider would have to at least be in his 90s. And no one in their 90s can execute hand-to-hand combat like that and carry a full grown man over his shoulder. Especially if they’ve been stranded in the jungle for 71 years.

Sterling was back to his old self, shirking responsibility but reassuring us that he’ll come through in the end – in regard to both his mission and new role as Dad (“I’m going to parent that shit out of that kid!”) And of course he was also making off-color jokes and immaturely laughing at them all along the way (“Just blow it, and then come.”)

The show basically picked up right where it left off, while also ditching the whole drug smuggling storyline from last season. So I guess season six picked up right where season four ended.

Of course this isn’t really true, because although Pam is off coke and Cheryl isn’t Cherlene the country singer anymore, Lana and Archer are still parents, and Krieger is still possibly a clone of himself that survived the Krieger battle at the end of last season.

So although this episode wasn’t one of the top installments of all time, it did a fantastic job as a premiere, was plenty funny, and will surely get Archer fans excited about the new season.


Check out my NYCC Archer piece for more info on the new season and interviews with the cast & crew.