Bubble SG Review: Heartland Hubby ”Single Daughter / New Neighbour”


Spoilers Below

The previous episode of Heartland Hubby was rather underwhelming, and I watched the third episode with trepidation. I needn’t have been anxious to say the least! I was laughing pretty much throughout the entire show.

This time, Encik is worried his oldest daughter at close to 30 years of age still doesn’t have a boyfriend, and takes matters into his own hands. Of course, this ultimately ends up to his own disadvantage! But it IS so common in Singapore that when you reach a certain age, everyone starts asking you when you’re getting married!

Anyway, there’s a new ‘ang mo’ (literally meaning red hair, also known as caucasian) in town! I’m not sure if you know this, but in the recent years, there has been rising resentment towards foreign talents in Singapore. There were a few hints of that subject in the previous two episodes, but this one touches on it the most. From the two local stray cats talking to the uppity imported dogs to the children asking the new character what he wants to do in Singapore with full of suspicion, there is a sense of unease towards foreign talents. But the writers did play it cool and didn’t go too much into detail or be too biased! After all, this is supposed to be a comedy!

I’m going to have to say this. If you want to have a taste of Singaporean culture and have a feel of how we act, you should watch this show. It has done a good job on presenting the Singaporean characteristics so far – we’re not so cold and sterile as some may think! You can try to pick up some Singlish and learn how to ‘chope’ (reserve) seats with your tissue paper too!

On a side note, I just realized that all the characters have only four fingers! Hmm…
