Review: Wander Over Yonder ”The Gift”


Spoilers Below

Sylvia and Wander head to Lord Hater’s to give him and all of the Watch Dogs Christmas presents. Hater hates this idea because he thinks the spread of presents could destroy his army. Eventually, everyone gets something with the exception of Peepers and Hater. Peepers gets his, but Hater escapes to a lone cabin in the woods where the Watch Dogs save him before any damage happens. We find out that Hater got his presents from the Watch Dogs and vice versa, which is now the perfect Team Building Activity for all of the bad guys to go into downtown and start to give away gifts.

Our Take

I think I preferred ‘The Gift II’ because there was a bit more mystery, and this episode was kinda like the spoiler for what happened, but that was kind of cool of Disney XD to schedule the episodes this way. I would’ve preferred that they had aired closer to each other, but ending the show’s first season on a holiday special is an interesting way of doing it. But, ‘The Rider’ was the real finish. It was hard to top that one, but bring on season two.