Ratings Are In 12/23/14: FOX’s toon numbers are steady

Family-Guy JC

The ratings are in, and even though FOX’s cartoons were all in re-runs, the numbers were somewhat solid according to a new report from Deadline.com:

After that Fox whipped up a night of Christmas themed encores of The Simpsons (1.1/4), as well as Family Guy(1.1/3) and Bob’s Burgers (1.1/3). In fact, it was a Bob’s Burgers (0.9/3) repeat that the East Coast and Central zones saw at 7:33 PM ET.

And yes, that’s Bob’s Burgers and Family Guy having matching numbers, I gotta tell ya, I hope FOX doesn’t fuck up this lineup for long this Winter because the cartoons are strong! These numbers for Christmas special reruns are better than some numbers for Christmas special originals! Just ask NBC.