Next International Space Station Mission Patch Comes Courtesy of… Seth Green?

Seth Green ISS

When the next brave expedition team embarks for the International Space Station in 2015, they will be wearing suits emblazoned with a patch made by Seth Green.

You read it right, the actor (Austin Powers, Buffy), voice actor (Family Guy), writer, and series creator (Robot Chicken) can now add another accomplishment to his extensive & eclectic resume, according to

Although graphic designer isn’t something Green is generally known for, the ISS patch is his very own design, and he gathered its inspiration from some familiar places.

“Honestly, my first thought was the yellow and blue from BSG [Battlestar Galactica],” Green said. “That’s the nerd in me. I was like ‘[the space station is] obviously the modern Battlestar,’ so that was it. I took the blue and the yellow from all the uniforms.”

“It’s been a great experience collaborating with CASIS [the organization that uses the ISS as a national laboratory for the United States] to better understand their role in making use of this incredible research facility,” Green continued. “If my promoting space-based research through this patch in some small way drives additional thoughts and ideas to improve life on Earth, I’m happy to help.”

“I love the idea of collecting data and information and then disseminating it to the planet,” Green explained. “You see the ISS, you see the planet – though it is the CASIS logo – and it has got ‘Advancing Research Knowledge’ emanating down to the planet.”

This enthusiasm for space clearly hasn’t gone unnoticed. “Seth Green has been an outspoken advocate on the need to explore beyond Earth’s horizons for years,” said Brian Talbot, CASIS director of marketing and communications. “We are excited to have this opportunity to engage him in a fun and meaningful partnership to promote the benefits of conducting research in space.” This mentality ties in perfectly with CASIS’ motto: “Science in Space for Life on Earth.”

Other features of the patch include a relegation of the ISS itself and its Cupola. “That’s the point [on the space station] where you can see the farthest by the human eye,” Green said.

Even after the next mission is completed, Green’s art, and of course the contributions of the crew themselves, will live on at least as long as the International Space Station does. Keeping with tradition, each expedition’s crew places their patch & signature above the air lock on the ISS before departing for home. Lots of people make their mark on Earth, but a select few have contributions that are truly out of this world.

[via HNGN]