Shorts Review: WWE Slam City “The Crossing Guard”

Well, nothing like watching wrestlers that haven’t wrestled for the WWE in months to get you to watch a cartoon from the WWE.


What the hell is going on with Slam City? I understand that NickToons is only airing the videos that have been on the internet for a few months. What I don’t understand is why they still aren’t showing them in order? Or why they couldn’t wait for a new season of episodes? Last week was an episode with a somewhat recently departed Alberto del Rio. This week brings us with a terminally crippled Rey Mysterio.

I know I talk a lot of shit about Rey, mostly because he is a husk of his former self when he wrestles. But in “The Crossing Guard,” he was as entertaining as when he was in ECW and WCW. For one, I am a stickler for homages to classic gaming, and “The Crossing Guard” gave us a simplistic yet relevant homage to Frogger. Also, it’s pretty funny how Rey used himself as a cannonball to take out 18-wheelers. Again, it’s simple, yet humorous. But, like I said last week about “Cold…Stone Cold,” this resonates a lot better with the younger generation.

It seems like Slam City is suffering from being in a terrible time slot for what the show is. Most kids are probably asleep, or well on their way to their beds, and Slam City comes on. I am sure this can take two minutes before some Spongebob rerun, or whatever. This is just another way for the Nickelodeon family of networks to screw up another series. At least Nick can’t relegate Slam City to an online exclusive.

As for the episode, “The Crossing Guard” was good for the laughs. That’s about it. The kids will dig it, but you may not unless you are that much on the teat of the WWE. I was hoping for something more, but I didn’t get it, probably because of a two minute time constraint. The animation was pretty crisp, but doesn’t break any barriers in stop-motion animation. In the end, it’s a cartoon aimed directly for the kids, and it hits every possible trigger for every kid to like.