Review: Mike Tyson Mysteries ‘Mite Tyson’


Spoilers Below

Mike Tyson has an allergic reaction to something and now he’s got mites all over his body. We find out that Pigeon may be the culprit and the doctor advises Mike to kick Pigeon out of the house in order to get rid of the mite bites. Once Mike breaks the news to his friend, Pigeon takes off completely pissed off and he storms off in anger. The next morning, Tyson’s bites are a little worse, so the heavyweight champ deduces that Pigeon had nothing to do with is allergic reaction, therefore he can get him back. Pigeon gets sent to a clinic where he’s able to escape thanks to Mike’s friend Barry. Oh yea, and Mike’s been getting bit by his pet mosquitoes this whole time.

Our Take

And just like that, we get by far the most entertaining episode of Mysteries thus far. Pigeon (Norm MacDonald) got THAT much grosser this week, and is really starting to set himself apart. From shitting on cars, to masturbating, to his love-affair with drugs and trying to molest Yung Hee, I couldn’t stop laughing at the jerk bird. Mike was great too, and watching him hug a big ol’ bear like its nothing is the stuff that can really make this show something different. I still am not a fan of the fact that we don’t get a lot of music during the course of the episode, but overall if you needed an episode to jump in, this one’s it.