Shorts Review: Tuck & Ranger ”Power Leveling”


Spoilers Below

This week, Tuck and Ranger are looking for a life hack in an effort to level up their game characters to crazy levels, but without all of the hard-work that goes with it. Enter ”Manual Labor”, as the guys post up a job on a site and in exchange they get an army of people all of whom are willing to help the duo level up in exchange for Ritalin. Unfortunately, the plan goes nuts and everyone starts killing each other, and as everything is JUST about to look out of control, a Llama named Cooper shows up with a metal army and slays all.

I think the premise of this episode is a tad late as South Park did a similar one YEARS ago, and we’ve seen this joke seen elsewhere. That said, I thoroughly enjoyed the massive death scenes at the end and I thought the metal robot army was a nice touch. This show doesn’t know when to quit…and I’m happy as hell about that.
