Review: The 7D ”Buckets; Frankengloom”


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The Queen is bitching about her buckets being missing, so The 7D has to go find them at the mansion by the sea. This mansion is obviously spooky, but the dwarves seem to be taking things in stride. Starchy seems to find a plausible explanation for all of the house’s hauntings all the while Grumpy seems to be getting the brunt of the goosebumps! The dwarves’ search for the buckets takes all night so instead of heading back into town the guys just crash at the haunted house. It’s here that Grumpy finally gets a chance to introduce Doc to the haunted spirit that keeps coming after him, though she doesn’t seem to mean any harm. We find out that the ghost is actually the Queen’s imaginary friend and her name is ‘Buckets’.

It isn’t often that The 7D gives us episodes without the glooms, but this one seems to work! Just in time for Halloween, the producers of the 7D gives us an effort that definitely feels inspired by Casper, but the twist at the end was a nice enough touch to make me forget about any comparisons.



Hildy orders a ‘Build Your Own Monster’,  and it comes with all sorts of instructions to make the beast bigger, stronger, and angrier. Eventually, Hildy orders the monster to scare the Queen away, but when the beast ends up downtown it keeps getting distracted by the bells and whistles. When it shows up to the castle,  the Queen decides to give the monster lessons in singing while Starchy goes nuts ringing the bell. The Queen decides to call up a manager to check out the monster’s singing techniques so as to get him accepted to a school that can help make him a star. The dwarves help ‘Rawr’ (that’s what they call him) look his best and on the day of the performance, the beast sounds pretty good despite the Queen’s bells and whistles. Hildy crashes the performance, and before you know it, the 7D and the Glooms are causing the monster to go nuts. Eventually, Rawr takes away the Glooms’ whistle and keeps on singing. The professor for the music school recruits Rawr, and as it turns out, he’s a natural! As a present for all of his success, the dwarves order up a monster friend for the singing sensation!

A bit more typical episode of The 7D, but I actually preferred this episode versus the earlier one. I loved the growth of ‘Rawr’ and was pretty much laughing at his constant disarray, but was rewarded with seeing him flourish. Arguably, the monster became the star over both the 7D and the Glooms…but is that a bad thing? Not in this case.
