Shorts Review: Red vs Blue Season 12 Episode 19




So, the battle died down, and I am not sure how I feel about it. Sure, You knew what the destination was probably going to be, but the journey there was a real roller coaster. Episode 19 was the car getting back into the starting area. Actually, a better metaphor would be to call Episode 19 the Consuela of the season.

What I mean by that is Episode 19 is the clean up episode for the season. From when Church hijacks the comm channel, to the end scene, it just drops you into the very possible prelude to season 13.The team is all patched up, their subordinates are telling “war stories,” and Church finally decrypted the shipping manifest from a few episodes back. The team realizes that Charon Industries is behind the mercenaries, making sure an entire planet full of people are really pissed off, and hiring the Resistance as private security.

The end of Episode 19, when Church recites a little letter from the Reds and Blues made me piss myself a little, and made sure to hit that nerve that makes me miss Church. That brand of snarky douchebaggery is something that has been missed for quite a while, and I hope it goes nowhere. I wish every season would end with Church reading a letter similar to this.Don’t be fooled by the long run time of the episode, however. It’s only really eight minutes of an episode, four and change for credits, and then an ending scene.

Even though the pacing of this season has been very erratic, Episode 19 was a great way to get the team back in the saddle. The teams show that they are ready associate. to kick some serious ass in the upcoming season. Episode 19 was a seque into part two of this arc. Catching Episode 19 by itself won’t do a lot of good, because it deals with a bunch of the plot devices that happened during the season. But if you’re watching Episode 19 before any of the others, you  are the type of person who eats a Kit-Kat wrong.Get your conclusion to the season, and then look into the future of RvB towards the end.

Simply put, there is no reason to be sitting on your couch and missing this season. Get your computer onto Rooster Teeth’s site, and blast the fuck out of some classic RvB action. You won’t regret it.

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