Review: Red vs. Blue Season 12 Episode 16

I think there’s something here about an offer that can’t be refused.


This episode starts at the zero hour of the civil war, Both the Federal and Republic armies are readying themselves and giving their motivational speeches. Locus even shows up, and gives a threat veiled as support to Doyle. After the dual speeches, we go to the Reds and Blues, who are trying to figure out what to do, except Church is too busy being a dick. Well, more of a dick than he normally is.

It gets to the point where Caboose, of all people, has to give a motivational speech to Tucker. Tucker goes to find Carolina and Church so they can have a bro-off, and they come out of it on the same page. Just as everyone gets back together, Felix gets on the comm and offers everyone a one-way ticket off of Chorus and away from the incoming war.

This is where things get interesting. I had episode 16 as the episode where shit hit the fan and the fighting started. I wasn’t expecting the motivational speech by Caboose, nor the bro-down with Tucker and Church. But I have to say, this was handled pretty flawlessly. I enjoyed the fact that someone nutted up and offered a bit of motivation for Tucker to actually go to Church. I could have done without the kumbaya segment, but for what it was, it was executed well.

The build up is getting pretty nuts. I am not sure how much longer they can drag out this build up, but the wait may backfire if nothing goes on soon. I was at the point where I was expecting war, but this was another week of waiting. There isn’t much time left to get going, because there’s only three more episodes to go in the season. I can’t picture this season just being total build up and all of the next season being a war. However, as far as a “rah-rah” speech episode, episode 16 hit on all marks. But the wait for something big to happen is just killing me.