Review: The Awesomes ‘Day of Awesomes, Part 2’ (Season Finale)


Spoilers Below:

We’ve reached the end of the road, my friends. As shows like The Simpsons, Bob’s Burgers, and South Park start up again, we must say goodbye to the second season of Hulu’s The Awesomes. Luckily for us, they’ve already announced a third season.

Picking up where last week left off, The Awesomes tumbled through the portal, and landed in another world (which was not Mattress World or Boy Meets World) and realized it was a planet on which the retro Awesomes once defeated The Veggie Master, a black market organic farmer turned eco-terrorist who wanted to turn entire planets into vegetation. After Mr. Awesome bested him, he hid his vegetation transformation machine, which was what The Awesomes correctly surmised Malocchio Jr. to be seeking.

The Awesomes and PRICKS converged on the “terra-former” device at the same time, and a battle ensured. Malocchio Jr. gained the upper hand, and despite Hotwire trying to reason with her brother (believing him to be less evil than their father as a normal human, and thus less evil as a supervillain) he proceeded with his plan to destroy every living thing on Earth. But with some quick thinking by Prock, and the help of a reformed Jaclyn (who apparently never actually took the evil serum, and was instead just bat-shit-crazy) and some type of other-worldly parrot, the machine was destroyed and Malocchio Jr. was defeated.

Meanwhile, Mr. Awesome was still attempting in vain to de-evilize Dr. Malocchio, but decided to launch him into the sun instead. Before pushing the button, however, he came up with a plan: using his own blood, Mr. Awesome performed a transfusion to battle blood against blood. It was a success for the Doctor, and he was cured, but things took a horrible turn when it was revealed at the very end that Mr. Awesome was now infected.

In Case You Missed It:

1) Muscle Man’s best line came about ten seconds into the show, when he thought they were headed to Boy Meets World: “I hope I get to meet Mr. Feeny!”

2) Well I wanted to hear about when Gadget Girl was all sticky. Anyone else? Anyone?

3) 15 weeblets for a zeeb-zlob is entirely too much.

4) What’s with Evil Impresario not wanting people to step on his conjurings? Couldn’t he just conjure up something to clean them afterward?

5) One of the “Ten Tips for Dealing with an Alien Invasion” was: ‘Have a freshly dug grave ready, so when they kill you, whatever body parts are left are ready for burial.’

6) Prock: “No, no no…I can’t be responsible for killing Santa again!”

7) Tearing the space-time continuum is expensive. $96,000 expensive.

8) Did Prock break both his arms in this episode?

9) Well whadayaknow, there ARE boob creatures out there somewhere.

This was a fantastic end to a fantastic season of The Awesomes. The story came together with a neat little (action-packed) bow, with all the loose ends getting tied up, but still managing to squeeze in some mini-cliffhangers and set-ups for Season Three. Enough that fans shouldn’t be dying for new episodes right away, but will still be excited when they begin rolling out again.

“Day of Awesomes, Part 2” had the show’s typical brand of humor, with jokes that came quite often, especially considering the amount of plot progression in this finale. Everyone, including all of the PRICKS and basically every other character on the show, got in at least one good line, making for a well-rounded closing.

I’d also like to point out that I used to dislike Perfect Man. He was self-centered, egotistical, and dumb, and seemed almost like an enemy in the sense that he always got credit for heroic accomplishments when he didn’t really deserve it. By the end of this season…well, actually nothing really changed. He’s still fits all the above adjectives, and once again was undeservingly hailed as the savior of humanity (although he only helped a tiny bit) but there was one important difference this time around: he was funny. Very funny. It started with his lame attempts to entertain himself, and the overdue neglect he warranted for so long, but eventually transitioned into a hilarious subplot involving his basketball girlfriend. Not basketball player girlfriend, but an actual ball. Both parts of the finale prominently featured jokes about him and Spaldetta, and I was astounded with how many gags they came up with. Well done.

I assume the full regular cast will return next year, but I also sincerely hope that Will Forte, Maya Rudolph (who unfortunately was not included in Part 2), Colin Quinn, Amy Poehler, and the other talented guest stars will be back as well. Either way, the improvement from the first to second season can easily continue as long as The Awesomes keeps up the momentum and success of this year, and they’ve already set it up in an interesting and curious way.

[In best announcer’s voice:] How will the Awesomes cure Mr. Awesome? Will Giuseppe/Malocchio Jr./Purseman ever be good again? What was Gadget Girl’s stickiest moment?

Hopefully we’ll get the answers to these questions, and more, when we meet our superhero friends again – next time on THE AWESOMES.