Destiny or Halo, Which is More Fabulous?

There has been some horrible stuff going on within the gamer community this week but the only #Gamegate you should be interested in is this: which is better, Destiny or Halo?


DEstiny bro

In Destiny Bro and its companion piece, Destiny is Fabulous, you get to see two sides of the same coin but it basically boils down to your point of view, whether you prefer Destiny or Halo.

Is Destiny just a shoddy rip off of Halo and does Halo deserve its crown as king if the FPS’ or can Destiny now take on that role? #Mashed and Flashgitz, with Rice Pirate dropping in some vocals do nothing to assuage the argument at all, they just take the piss out of both games in the most twisted way imaginable. Awesome work from the team at #Mashed and one more reason you should be subscribing to their YouTube channel for new animations every week.


Alternate version: