
Comic Review: Bravest Warriors #24

By Cassandra Morgan

September 25, 2014


Spoilers Below

It feels like it has been forever since the last Bravest Warriors comic. I missed them so, so much. Time to see if they save Chris! And Danny! Don’t forget about Danny!

We rejoin the gang as they wake up from Robo-Chris’s attack. Beth sends Plum and Wallow to save Danny and Catbug from the robot head. She, meanwhile, will save Chris by herself.

Robo-Chris is having trouble trying to convince the transporter to take him and Danny back to the ship. The transporter wasn’t particularly helpful when it was human Chris trying to get home. A robot head version of Chris isn’t fooling the machine at all.

As Wallow and Plum head back down the tunnels, Beth single-handedly defeats both of the worm creatures and their slaves. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

But don’t rule out Catbug! Catbug, who still has Beth’s cell phone, gets to Robo-Chris before either Plum or Wallow. When Robo-Chris tries to take the phone, Catbug flies over him and zaps Danny, freeing him from the space leeches. With all of the friends rejoined, they head back to their ship.

In the side story, we finish the second half of “Escape from Junkrat Island.” When we left the gang, they were being forced to race for their lives. Their sentient vehicles offered to help them but they required assistance first.

The Warriors agree to help the vehicles by removing their collars. Once freed, they join together to form a weird Voltron-type creature with a gazelle head and pogo stick legs, The Ultimate Vehicle of Justice. The Vehicle easily defeats the rats and brings the Warriors back to their home base.

It is always sad to read the end of a Bravest Warriors story. While this was decent, it did feel a little rushed. Then again, almost all of their endings feel a little rushed. I’m sure they could have dragged out Beth’s fight a little bit longer or made Robo-Chris put up more of a fight. Either way, I am looking forward to their next adventure.