Child Cuts Construction Worker’s Rope After Noise Disrupts Cartoons

Guizhou Kid

A 10-year-old boy in Guizhou, China was innocently watching cartoons when a construction worker began noisily working outside of his high-rise apartment’s window. Doing the only logical thing, the boy sawed through the worker’s safety harness rope, leaving him suspended 11 stories above ground.

“I was using an electric drill to fit security lights to the outside of the building when I felt my safety rope shaking. I looked up to see what was wrong,” pesky utility worker and assumed cartoon-hater Liu Mai said in his defense. “Then I saw the boy cutting the rope with a knife. I shouted at him to stop but he didn’t listen and soon after, the rope was broken. I was petrified.”

Firefighters quickly responded, leaving the worker trapped dangling in the air for only about 40 minutes.  “The boy clearly thought his cartoons were more important than someone’s life,” a fire department spokesperson said. “He has since apologized for his actions.” Although this is probably a mistranslation, as the boy was clearly in the right, and the disruptive worker should be the one apologizing.

Although, to be the bigger man, the boy’s father bought the construction worker a new rope. He also told a reporter that he gave his son “a good talking to and and explained what he did was very dangerous.” Leaning out the window of tall buildings can lead to potentially fatal falls, and a pair of scissors is a much safer cutting tool.

“He has promised he will not do something similar again,” the dad added.”

Hopefully he’s talking about the annoying construction worker.

[via Xinhua News Agency]