Author to Hold Math-related ‘Simpsons’ Event at Science Museum in London


The Science Museum in London will be holding an event on September 26th featuring Simon Singh, the author of The Simpsons and their Mathematical Secrets. Singh plans to explain the mathematical complexities of the cartoon and how Lisa is a crucial part of it all.

“When I talk to school kids about the mathematics hidden in The Simpsons, I always stress Lisa’s character, because she is such a great role model for girls who might be budding geeks or nascent nerds,” Singh said to Newsweek, which penned a fantastic, in-depth article & interview about the history of math (and the role of intelligent women) on the show.

Singh will be joined at the museum by Simpsons writers David X. Cohen (a computer science grad from Berkeley) and Al Jean (who began studying math at Harvard when he was only 16.)

Be sure to check out the event, if you can, and the article, which you simply must.

[via Newsweek]