Comics Review: Regular Show #14


Spoilers Below

This month, the coffee shop ends up getting crazy busy due to their new machine leading Mordecai and Rigby to get pissed about the fact that they have no place to stew any more. You would think the crowd would eventually die down, but that never happens. So what are the guys gonna do? Gotta wait til next issue to find out!

”Grabbed by the Ghostlies” Part One
Mordecai and Rigby are tasked with watching Pops’ shit. At first everything seems ok, but then the guys start messing with Pops’ shit leading to spirits being awaken. What’ll happen next? Gotta find out next issue.

Overall, a rather solid issue of Regular Show, but nothing really ‘spacey’ happens until the end of the issue which is usually the trademark of the show. Furthermore, why the fuck are we still doing Margaret stories? She hasn’t been on the show in 50 years, and we are still using her in plots? Weird. I will say, the art direction on ‘Ghostlies’ was rather stellar as done by Carey Pietsch. Seriously, Carey should do every issue of Regular Show for now on.