Comic Review: Bee & Puppycat #3


Spoilers Below

Bee & Puppycat have now reached their third issue. As long as the first two issues aren’t completely awful, it is, generally, at this point where readers make the difficult decision about whether or not they will stick with a series. This particular issue is a little more like an anthology since there are four completely separate stories plus a sneak peek at an upcoming Bravest Warriors comic. Despite the large number of stories, the Bee & Puppycat stories only take up 21 pages. Of the three issues available, this has the fewest number of pages.

The main story is titled “Clean Up.” We join Bee and Puppycat as they house-sit in the normal world. Since they have pretty much destroyed the place, they need to clean up before the owners come home. After cleaning up their mess, Bee complains about cleaning being gross and boring. Of course, that is when they get an assignment from the Temp-Bot.

Their assignment takes place on a planet where the peaceful inhabitants are simply adorable. However, the cute ones have been invaded by a monster, who has been destroying their cities. Bee and Puppycat rush off to save the day, only to find out that the monster has been quelled by baked goods. But Bee and Puppycat are still needed…to help clean up.

“What Happened, Part Two” continues the story of Wallace, which originated in the animated series and leapt onto the comic pages in issue one. Way back in issue one, the duo were assigned to fix the situation with an unsatisfied client. This is where they come upon Wallace’s crying mother. Bee gets a new Sherlock Holmes-type uniform from Temp-Bot and heads out with Puppcat to help find Wallace. Part two ends just as they begin their search.

Next up is “Dumguy.” It is a fairly stupid one-page comic about a ladybug drawing crayon pictures of Puppycat. All of the pictures say awful things about Puppycat, such as “I’m Dum” and “U Stink.” This isn’t even worth the digital ink to read it online.

The final Bee & Puppycat story is “A Nice Day Off, Part One.” While I do enjoy the usual art style of the series, I absolutely adore the art style used in this story. It feels a little retro, which gives Bee a more of a childlike look. Gorgeous. On the story side of things, there isn’t a lot to talk about. This is a four-page story about the friends having nothing to do on their day off so they decide to make a kite. To Be Continued.

In addition to the Bee & Puppycat stories, we are also given a quick three-page preview of a Bravest Warriors story titled “Paralyzed With Hunger.” Yup, you got it. It is about Beth’s Paralyzed Horse being hungry. The rest of the story is supposed to come out in November. I’m interested to see where the story is going to go since this preview could easily be the entire story.

As a whole, I am a little disappointed with this issue. Everything feels very short and rushed. “Dumguy” should have been left on the editor’s floor. Since the issues are spread so far apart (the first issue was released on May 14), the second part of “What Happened” should have taken place in the second issue. I’m not sure that many people will remember what happened in the first part. Even “Clean Up” felt very forced. You could see the punchline by the time you reached the fourth page. I would have preferred “A Nice Day Off” as the main story. Who knows when we will see the next part of that story anyway?
