Who’s The Most Metal Hero? According To This Short: Batman

I not completely sure what, where, who, or why but I know I love this. Check out this Metalocalypse / Batman mash-up below below, it is 100% pure metal.


I found this on my twitter feed courtesy of College Homour and as far as I can gather (College Humour being light on the details) it was made by Russian animation studio, Red Medusa and posted originally on their YouTube Channel last week. That’s all I know, sorry. That, and that this rocks!!

It’s a simple enough premise; in Batmetal, Batman and his wards; Robin, Red Hood, and Nightwing, rock out to Death Klok’s Face Fisted. Such a genius idea that I’m surprised no one has done this before, Batman is after all, a creature of the night therefore pure death metal. Batmetal isn’t merely a throw away joke however, this clever mash-up is helped along by some truly cool animation, the former Robins rocking out on guitar is particularly well done.

Rock on or face the hammers of justice!