Shorts Review: Battlefield Friends “Attack Boat”

Attack Boats suck. End of Story.

Spoilers Below

The Attack Boat is one of the most over-rated vehicles in Battlefield. The fact that it’s usually you and some nameless scumbag trying to take on a chopper, and you have no engineer, makes for a very bad time. As you can see in this week’s Battlefield Friends.

Noob spawns on Medic and Engineer, and he has the gun facing the water. He wants in on the action, but Medic is mowing down people left and right. The ship is taking damage, and Noob wants to shoot shit instead of repairing. He can’t find the repair spot, and when he does, he won’t repair it because they’re moving. After he repairs, a new guy spawns in, and takes Noob’s seat. Engineer tricks Noob into jumping out of the boat, and they drive off. Five seconds later, the dude gets shot up, and Noob respawns in the boat as a Medic. The Engineer has to repair the boat now, and he wants Medic to take over driving. Unfortunately, Noob takes the wheel, and drives the boat right into the flag.

Yup, this is exactly how a squad in Battlefield works. No one works together, and nothing gets done. People look for the glory, and Battlefield Friends got this to a tee. Just watch the video, because you won’t regret it. For extra points, play some Battlefield 4 to compare results.
