Shorts Review: 8-Bit Cinema – Kill Bill


Ever wonder what Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill movies would look like in 8-bit animation? Me either! Never fear though, the folks at CineFix have you covered, courtesy of creator David Dutton.

With animation that reminiscent of games like Battletoads (at least that’s the one it makes me think of) this two-minute YouTube clip covers the major plot points of both Kill Bill movies, including The Bride’s battles with Gogo Yubari, O-Ren Ishii, Vernita Green (no relation to me), Budd, Elle Driver, and Bill. It also features some of The Bride’s signature moves, like the grave escape, the eyeball snatch, and the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique. There are even the old school pop-ups on screen that show you how to perform each move, whether you’re on an arcade machine or Super Nintendo console. (Although wasn’t SNES 16-bit?)

Henry Dutton provided the spot-on music that encapsulated the soundtrack to the films in the signature, retro video game style, in addition to all the sound effects that were common in games back in the day.

Although it wasn’t particularly funny, as there was no dialogue, it was a worthy tribute to classic games and two awesome films. If you’re a fan of either, you’ll adore this video.
