Review: Regular Show “Catching the Wave”

How is it that a person with a huge jawbreaker head can surf? Well, this episode has all the answers.



Spoilers, for you later comers!

Pops is observing nature near a waterfall, saying he is one with nature. There were so many one with natures dropped in a 3 second interval. Unfortunately, nature didn’t really like the poem he was reciting, and let him know by pelting him with logs, wind, a bee sting, and a stab from a rose bush. I don’t know about you, but fuck rose bushes. Finally, he falls into the water, and gets munched on by some turtles.

Back at the house, Mordecai and Rigby are watching a show with a bunch of surfers going “Dude! Brah,” when Pops comes home as a crying mess. He sits with Mordecai and Rigby, and watches the same show, and decides that to be one with nature, he has to take up surfing. I may not do science well, but Physics may not be on Pops’s side.

He goes to the beach, and picks up “‘Peachy’ Perry’s 3 P’s to Surfing Perfect,” because reading the book makes you an expert on the subject, just ask Twihards. Well, maybe wannabe voice actors as well. Anyway, Pops practices the 3 P’s: paddling, pivoting, and popping up. That gives the people behind him a nice sand bath, and from the looks of it, a lot of sandy vaginas. I was right, by the way. Pops is too top heavy, and falls over way too easily.

Poor Pops, he is getting ridiculed by the same surfers from the show. This almost cost the surfers a wave when they all tried to catch it. That was the last straw, as the surfers chased Pops away from the beach. Back at the house, Mordedai and Rigby proved that garage door beats a pencil. Pops comes back, luckily without his surfer enemies. Mordecai and Rigby try to talk Pops to stay within his comfort zone, but that just pushes Pops to build a wave pool at the park. Unfortunately, that just gets Pops further acquainted with the term “bailing out.”  The last time he tries, he bails so hard, he faints, and his head clogs the pipe to recirculate the water for the wave generator.

By the way, I called it, because the doctor checking on Pops says that his giant-ass head will do too much damage to Pops’s spine. Even the doctor recomends that he doesn’t surf. Pops is diligent, though, and wants to keep surfing. Mordecai and Rigby are supposed to keep Pops off, but that doesn’t work very well. They fall asleep, enabling Pops to go surfing. Unfortunately, the surfer bullies try to take over the wave pool. Mordecai and Rigby wake up, and find that Pops cut out a hole in the wall, so that his giant head can get out. The entire staff man the boats, and shoo off the surfer bullies, but they call reinforcements. It’s good to know that Wipeout is the universal call for surfer reinforcements, and that it will never be played through speakers I own.

The other surfers show up, and clog the lake. They flip the boats, leaving Pops as the only worker left. The bullies then crank the generator to eleven, and that gets it working to an explosion. Pops is the only one on the wave, and it’s the ultimate wave. Pops breaks down on the wave, and nuts up just in time to ride it. He is so one with nature, he was able to ride a whale with seagulls flying around him.

I love Pops. This dude can defy science more than anyone. Physics don’t mean crap to Pops,because  he even has a flying car! I think this is one of the better non-Mordecai and Rigby episodes I’ve seen in a while. Pops trying to do something that could go horribly wrong, like dying. But he tells the world, “Screw your science voodoo,” and goes all in.

I haven’t seen a bunch of episodes, but this is the first Pops episode I saw, and I loved it. Pops brings a weird calm that not even Skips has. Pops is the quaint, happy-go-lucky attitude to a place that is centralized in chaos. Pops is a very underrated character. I am very glad to see him get some focus for a change.

This episode also brings to light how douchey people in a group can be. Also, I really hate your stereotypical surfer, so that kind of spoke to me as well. I’ve been saying this since this was on at the old time slot, Regular Show does its best when  the focus is on one singular thing. The show isn’t long enough to do branching stories and crap.