Review: MAD Magazine #528 – “Kim + Kanye In… Monster Marriage!”


Mad Magazine #528

“Kim & Kanye In…Monster Marriage!”

COVER- Artist: Mark Fredrickson

This cover is nothing short of brilliant! Between Kanye’s furrowed brow and the astonishingly accurate depiction of Kim’s multiple chins, this cover is one for the Hall Of Fame. It may not be revolutionary but the concept coupled with the people involved is a home run. I would honestly buy this mag just on the cover alone. Thankfully I get MAD delivered so I didn’t have to deal with anyone at Barnes and Nobel to retrieve this gem!

To top it all off, the cover is also featured in the center of the mag as a full fledged movie poster complete with quotes from Ray J, Kris Humphries and Ryan Seacrest.

SPY VS. SPY- Writer/Artist: Peter Kuper

In the main comic we see Black Spy working on a ray gun that can transport him to other places. His plan works perfectly on a rat so he decides to beam himself over to White Spy’s place to steal some top-secret plans. Once he’s there, White Spy uses his ray gun against him and transports him onto a blank canvas and turns a pretty little profit on his newfound artwork at an auction.

The second comic sees White Spy sleeping on a bench. Black Spy decides to take a bat to him but White Spy seems unfazed. Turns out that White Spy was using a fake head that carries an anvil, crushing Black Spy’s foot and knocking him to the ground. When White Spy reveals himself, Black Spy uses a spring loaded heel to knock him out.

These might have been two of the funnier Spy VS Spy I’ve seen in a long time!

Two Defectives: Writer: Arnie Kogen Artist: Tom Richmond

This spoof of True Detectives rehashes the story of season one of the popular HBO series about detectives who are just as flawed as the criminals. Honestly, I haven’t seen a lick of this show, but after hearing the critic’s reviews and reading this spoof I am both interested in watching and can probably predict how each step of this show will go. Richmond’s art is stellar as always and Kogen is able to tell a great story while keeping the laughs flowing. This is a solid spoof and a deep well of laughs.



“How Kimye Stacks Up Against Other Famous Married Couples”, “The Fast 5: Results Of The Inevitable Legalization Of Marijuana”, “Appy: The Pharell Cover Song”, “MAD’s Celebrity Acronyms”, “Not Making This Up”, “Reality Show Rejection Letters”, “MAD Compares Infamous Bundys” “7 Easy Ways To Defeat Godzilla”


Planet Tad. Seriously, let’s retire this hunk of trash. I’d even prefer you use the space this waste is taking up to put another ad in the mag.


Last issue I griped about how that edition of MAD was missing a “signature moment.” Clearly someone in NYC was listening because the Kimye moments in this issue shine like the diamonds that Kim did absolutely nothing to earn. On top of all of that the rest of the strips are solid. Jaffe’s fold in is amazing as always and hilariously spot on. It’s very tough for a variety magazine to score a 10 because of the randomness of the articles but this is the closest I’ve seen to perfection in a very, VERY long time!