BubbleBlabber: Smarter than CNN?


Before anybody gets their knickers in a twist, I’ll clarify that this statement only relates to the cartoon world, and the sample size is limited at best. Okay, it only applies to one part of one article.

While browsing all the interweb has to offer, we happened upon a CNN photo gallery entitled, “Shocking Character Deaths,” which included mostly TV characters, and a few film folks as well.

Under a Family Guy photo the caption referenced the November 24 episode in which Brian was struck and killed by a car. Tragic? Yes. (And, of course, just a lame publicity stunt.) But was this event really shocking?

Well, if you’re a regular BubbleBlabber reader, you may recall on July 22, 2013 we reported that Family Guy executive producer Rick Appel announced (during an appearance at last year’s San Diego Comic Con) that one of the members of the Griffin family would meet their demise in Season 12. Although based on misleading information, we concluded in that article that Brian would likely be the one killed. However, on November 20th we confirmed this using some sneaky detective work, specifically the fact that the voices of Lois, Meg, and Chris had their contracts extended, leaving Seth MacFarlane’s Peter and Brian on the chopping block. With it unlikely that the creators would nix the show’s titular character, Brian was the only logical answer. Of course our prediction came true during the “Life of Brian” episode.

So shove that in your fancy CNN pipe and smoke it.

I’d also like to point out that one of the other photos is Kevin Spacey’s character in American Beauty. The folks at CNN must have been grabbing some Milk Duds at the concession stand during the beginning of the movie, because Spacey’s narrated lines in the first two minutes of the film explicitly stated that his character will die.

So come on, CNN. Get your head out of Ted Turner’s ass.