Shorts Review: Battlefield Friends: Brokenfield

The title is Brokenfield? Is this a “Let’s Play” of Battlefield 4?

If you’ve played Battlefield 4 on the next gen systems, you know exactly where the season premiere of Battlefield Friends is going. I have stopped playing Battlefield 4, mostly because: you couldn’t party up, you lag spike so much, teams don’t know how to win an objective game,  and oh my fucking Christ Almighty, the rubber-banding mixed with dying to people with zero percent health led me to almost Kurt Cobain myself. This pile of putrid horse shit was enough to storm EA’s offices, and lay seige to Peter Moore’s throne made from the bones of the workers that he underpays.

Sorry for that outburst, but Battlefield 4 is a legit piece of shit. Luckily, we have Battlefield Friends, and their take on the pile of crap that is the worst shooter since Modern Warfare 3.

Medic is dragging Ammo guy back to the fight, telling him that EA fixed the problems that has plagued the game since November. Sniper is just chillin on the side, watching the conversation. Medic just brushes Ammo aside, saying EA fixed everything. Just then N00b crashes a helicopter, and gets all of his battlepacks out. He gets all of this stuff, most of which is completely useless. N00b likes the bugs, because it makes the tank go faster than the jeep. Yeah, because that’s supposed to happen, right?

N00b’s friend, Simon, just floats on by, thanks to another glitch. Ammo has enough, and wants to leave, but Medic talks to him, saying how BF3 was so terrible at first, but it became a great game. He has Ammo looking at the scenery, commenting on how beautiful it is. He goes into how you can dive into the water, the Levelution, and how it’s the player’s responsibility to play the game to give the developers feedback. Ammo buys into it, and he plays. Ammo, Medic, and Sniper come under heavy fire early, and they make it to the wall. Then, Sniper gets lit up by the lag bullets, and Ammo freaks out again.

So, I will tell you right now, I am Ammo. Fuck Battlefield 4, the game’s bugs just hamper the game into an unplayable clusterfuck. While it’s a show, BFF nails about 7 months of forum posts into 3 minutes of video. The characters are believable, as in they seem like they play in real life. That’s special, because it makes the show even better and actually relatable to the gaming masses. I need more of this.
