Review: The Boondocks ”Grandad Dates a Kardashian”

This is great, the Kardashians are invading Adult Swim now.

Spoilers Below

Tonight’s episode is taking this in a whole new direction. This is going to be a reality show based on Kardashia Kardashian, and her dating Robert. They walk in,and Riley and Huey confront the invader right away. Robert found a money tree, and it’s name is Kardashian! Just then, Brownee Point shows up with a bunch of shit for Riley that was on his wishlist. Huey gets the default Kardashian gift of a Ray J cd. Huey finds something wrong, just by the look and silence.

Now, Bench Kardashian shows up at the door, who was the jealous half brother. His show got pushed back, because Kardashia popped in. In one of the funniest moments this season, Kardashia’s ass keeps knocking shit down because it keeps getting in the way. A fight blows up between the half-siblings, with Kardashia calling out Bench for being  jealous for all of her fame. Huey comes back with calling her ass fake, because she almost singlehandedly flipped the couch the hard way.

Granddad kicks them out, and Riley is taking a blind eye to it all. Huey is outside, and hears Brownee talking a lot of shit about Kardashia. He throws his phone into her wheel well, and tracks the GPS signal to a bootleg doctor, who is performing an ass enlargement. Riley goes back to Granddad, but he doesn’t want anything to do with it. Then he calls out Kanye for fucking Kim. Holy shit, they went after it! Another scene for the show starts with Kardashia and Robert talking about a promise ring. Just then Kardashia’s ass blows out, and she is flat out on the table.

At the hospital, Robert is begging for her to live. The doctor does every possible test that insurance pays for, and he comes back with her ass exploded. Robert has an idea that will get justice for Kardashia, as well as make Bench a star. Robert finds the bootleg doctor, and kicks the shit out of him. Back at the hospital, Kardashia is shitting everywhere, while Riley and Huey are debating on the ways to go when you’re dead. They go hunting for food, when they find Mother Maria, who gives food to the hungry.

Back with the bootleg doctor, they are still debating on what to do, when Robert hands the doctor to Bench. He embraces his inner Chewbacca, and knocks that doctor on his ass. Robert gives him a taste of his own medicine, and shoves the fix-a-flat into his year, and puffs his face out to look like an ass cheek. Huey finally gets some time to shine this season, when he has a somewhat philosophical talk with Mother Maria. She starts to talk about what’s important in life, then passes out for a second, but picks right back up like she never stopped. She goes into talking about how right forgiveness and self-sacrifice are.

Robert and Bench are scheming to get into her will, while Ruckus is giving some sort of prayer with some basketball players. Ruckus is pouring out with jealousy, because Robert has a rich white girl. All the while, Brownee is making contact with the basketball players. Huey and Riley finish up their talk with Mother Maria, and Huey and Riley to show compassion for a change. They find out that Kardashia is hogging all of the nurses by her name, and they go to fix it. Ruckus hears Robert raising his voice, and Huey gets a camera man to go cover Mother Maria. The doctor comes in, asking for AB blood, when all of the Kardashians are O. This is the proof everyone needs to kick out Kardashia from the family. So, the entourage leaves her to die,while Brownee and the camera men talk Mother Maria into giving her life story, but Kardashian-ize it. Poor Maria…

I don’t give a shit what the script said, Kim was the star of the episode. This really goes into how useless the Kardashian trolls are, and I couldn’t love it more. Hell, huey went balls deep calling out how the real Kim is, and how she turns intelligent people into the bumbling morons they really are. Well, except for Kris Humphries. He’s beyond retarded. But back to “Boondocks Kim”. This episode calls out every rumor that has ever been uttered about those Shire outcasts.

Unfortunately, they had one plot line that was left unanswered. Brownee was just there to get famous, and Huey caught her talking a lot of shit about Kardashia. We get a scene where Robert pumps the bootleg doctor with ass filling “Fix-A-Flat.” So, that’s a fair trade off. It was good to see Huey and Riley get some screen time, but it was just another episode in the season of Robert Freeman. Again, next week doesn’t seem to get much better on that front. Luckily enough, I’m finding this season enjoyable, but very one dimensional. Hopefully, next week will have some sort of hidden gem where we get more of the main characters in the episode besides Robert.