Mondo Mini Shows wants your cartoon pitches!


I get pitches all the time from animators, writers, producers, the whole nine thinking that I have some sort of powers in being able to pass things along to TV people who are better qualified to make those decisions than I am. Unfortunately, I don’t…but what I can do is tell you guys whenever opportunities like this come along.

Like this one featuring Mondo Mini Shows,  long time home for such animated shows like Dick Figures, The Bedfellows, and more. Turns out these guys are looking for pitches for cartoons and they want to hear them from YOU! This is a new initiative with Bite.TV and Mondo where the two will go through a number of pitches, produce the ones they like, then feature them on the Mondo Youtube page for the world to see. Then Canadian channel, Bite (home to such awesome shows as Contra Friends and Felt Up….both of which need to return with new episodes sooner rather than later) will air a bunch of animated shorts at once in 30 minute blocks.

So get your pitches in now before next Saturday which is inevitably the cut off date. For more info, go here.