Bubble UK Review: Warren United ‘Sponsorship’

Now in its penultimate week, how are things shaping up for the Meringues in ITV4’s Warren United? Could striking a new sponsorship deal make them gleam like a new cooker or leave them forever in the toilet bowl of despair? Find out in our episode 5 review.

Fat Baz Leaves Warren ep 5

Sponsorship deals for football teams are a big deal. These days you aren’t just buying a name on the front of players shirts, you are buying a new stadium and a whole load of good or bad publicity that your deal will bring. Usually though, any new sponsorship deal is seen as a good move and can inject new bloood to an ailing team and bring renewed interest in a forgotten business. That’s why this week, when Warren Kingsley has the idea to solve the Meringues money troubles with a sponsorship deal from his workplace, Kitchen Madness, it seems only good can come of his brainwave.

Ah, if only life was as simple as that. Unfortunately Kitchen Madness can’t inject anything but dodgy fridges into the world of soccer and you can’t buy players with household goods. As the interim manager competes for attention in the locker room with a new cappuccino maker ( Johnny Vegas’ Fat Baz makes an unexpected exit this week) the sponsorship deal from ManEwer is starting to smell of roses. Has Warren caused more harm than good? Well yes probably..

Warren United was showing some strong form script wise in the football from with all the antics at the newly named Bowl and the aforementioned Johnny Vegas was stellar as Fat Baz. At home though, the usually inspiring defense from the Kingsley clan was a bit disappointing. (I’m going to leave the football puns and synonyms now, I promise). At home, Ingrid decides she’s going to take on a new job as a mystery shopper, unfortunately the shop she gets saddled with is World of Pound and there is very little mystery about that place, the clue is in the name. We had even more sexy antics than usual from Mrs Kingsley senior and her lover Reggie and you should know by now how I feel about that, I swear if by next week they are making love on a snowboard I’ll kick something. None of this is what irked me though, my problem at chez Kingsley was this: when Harrison asked his Dad for a dog, (a request Warren refuses) there are clearly full dog food and water bowls in shot. They even have dog written on them. I spent the rest of the episode assuming that Gran and Reggie are forced to eat of the floor like animals as their sex habits dictate. Maybe that says more about me than it does the animators however.

Fat Baz  Warren ep 5

For all he slip-ups at home, Eleanor Lawrence is still excellent as Warren’s wife Ingrid and Morganna Robinson and Morwenna Banks as Charlie and Harrison respectively have grown on me. The voice acting was pretty impressive all round this week and what I once took to be a throwaway stereotype in Dilip now sees Nitin Gantara steal a good few scenes from his co-stars, nice work!

Fan reaction to Warren United seemed at an all time high this week and I do have the feeling the show has finally hit its stride, its just a shame this happens in the penultimate episode. Still, this could be a good sign for a second season renewal. A charming performance from the ensemble cast gives Warren United a seven this week but those fucking dog bowls bring that down to a six and a half, call me petty but come on, continuity folks!! Continuity!

Follow Warren United on YouTube and twitter for clips and updates or read Warren’s blog over at the official website.
